Abell 426 Galaxy Cluster
Abell426 Galaxy Cluster collage
Supernova in Messier 101
M51, Messier 51, aka the Whirlpool Galaxy
NGC 891 and galaxy cluster Abell 347
NGC 891 and galaxy cluster Abell 347 (annotated)
Galaxies from the Abell 347 galaxy cluster
Abell S0805 Galaxy Cluster. IC 4765 is the brighesi galaxy in the center of the field.
Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)
Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) + 47 Tucanae
NGC 4216 and nearby galaxies
NGC 4216 and nearby galaxies (composite)
NGC 4216 and nearby galaxies (highy strecthed version)
M 106
M 106 and nearby galaxies
M82 - Supernova SN2014J
M31 the Andromeda Galaxy