Equipment Reviews

20 May 2008
Pointing a Sword, or better… a “Gladius” at the Heavens!
Nowadays, high-resolution imaging of the solar system bodies is one of the few sectors...

24 March 2008
Magzero MZ-5m vs modified Vesta Pro
by Emmanuele Sordini and Lorenzo Comolli The MagZero MZ-5m camera, the Italian flavor of the...

30 December 2007
The Magzero MZ-5m Camera: autoguiding on a budget
One of the most-feared bugaboos for those who take up long-exposure digital imaging is...

20 January 2006
Tuning the Synta EQ6: a “Technical Nightmare!”
In fall 2004 my beefiest mount was a Losmandy GM8, which I still happily...

12 October 2005
Skywatcher ED80 refractor preview
It’s been quite a while (actually at least fifteen years 😉 ) since chinese-made...